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Abortion, E10
Abscesses in the foot, E406
Absorbine, G10
Acidosis, E285
Adequan, H10
Aging horses by their teeth, B15
Albon injection, F25
Allergic reactions, E195
Amp-Equine, F30
Ampicillin, F30
Angular limb deformities, E406
Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA), A645
Anthelcide EQ, C30
Antibiotics, Section F
Anti-inflammatory, Section G
Arthritis, E406
Artificial resuscitator, E195
Aspirin, G45
Azoturia, E847
Banamine, G60
Band cells, D127
Beans, B760
Behavior problems, E68
Bicipital bursitis, E406
Betadine solution, H63
Bismu-Kote, H72
Bleeding, E195
Blood (serum) chemistry, D80
Body condition scoring, B950
Body weights, B950
Bog spavin, E406
Bone problems, E406
Bones, A28
Bone spavin, E406
Bowed tendons, E406
Breeding soundness exam, A245
Bucked shins, E406
Bute, G90
Calcium, D80
Capped elbow, E406
Capped hock, E406
Capillary Refill Time (CRT), B105
Carafate, H792
Carpal hygroma, E406
Caslick, A245
Caudal, E406
Ceftiofur, F540
Chemistry, D80
Chemstrip 9, D110
Chlorhexidine, H110
Chloride, D80
Chondroitin sulfate, E406,
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, E305
Clenbuterol HCI, G906
Coggins test, E205
Colic, E120
Complete Blood Count (CBC), D127
Conformation abnormalities, E460
Conversion formulas, A575
Coprophagia, E68
Corns, E406
Cosquin, H126
CPR, E195
Cracks in the foot, E406
Cranial, E406
Creatinine, D80
Creep feeding, A245
Cribbing, E68
Culicoids hypersensitivity, E770
Culture and Sensitivity, D135
Curb, E406
Deep digital flexor tendon, E406
Degenerative joint disease, E406
Dehydration, B115
Dental care, A148
Depo-Medrol, G143
Desmitis, E406
Detecting a pulse, B150
De-worming Schedule, A622
Dexamethasone, G146
Digestible energy, A575, A575
(later in document)
Digital nerve neurectomy, E544
Digital pulse, A30, B150
Distal, E406
DMSO, G152
Dopram-V, H162
Dry hoof wall, A325, E406
Dura Pen, F175
Eastern and Western Equine
Encephalomyelitis, E180
Eating manure, E68
ELISA Test, D135
Emergency Treatments
Encevac TC-4, C200
Endoscopy (endoscopic exam), D200, E219
Endure, C202
Enema, A245
Eosinophils, D127
Epinephrine, E195, H205
Epiphysitis, E406
Eqvalan Paste, C375
Equilac, H208
Equine herpesvirus, E200
Equine infectious anemia, E205
Equine influenza, E208
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
(EPM) E212
Equine viral arteritis, E215
Estimating body weight, B950
Ethmoid hematomas, E219
Extra label, A645
Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH), E222
Exertional rhabdomyolysis, E847
Facial artery, B150
Fecal flotation, D220
Feed analysis, A575
First aid, E195
Flexor tendons, E406
Flexural limb deformities, E406
Floating teeth, A148
Flunixin meglumine (Banamine), G60
Fluvac EHV 4/1 Plus, C240
Fluvac EWT Plus, C242
Fly spray, C202
Foal care
Foalcheck, D243
Foal-Lac pellets/powder, H240
Foalwatch, D246
Foot problems, E406
Founder, E465,
Fractures, E195, E406
Furosemide, H255
Glucosamine, E406, H126,
Glucose, D695
Glyco-Flex Plus, H280
Glycosaminoglycans, E406,
H126, H280,
Grain overload (acidosis), E285
Gravel, E406
Grease heel, E756
Grow Colt, H290
Gut sounds, A560
Health record, I 308
Heart rate, A560
Heaves, E305
Hives, E195
Horse shoeing, A325
Hoof testers, B885
Hoof wall, A325
Hyaluronic acid (Legend), E406
Hydration, B115
Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP), E340
Hypersensitivity reactions, E770
Hypertonic saline solution, H338
Intermediate, D135
Iodine, H63
Jack spavin, E406
Joint problems, E406
Kaolin Pectin, H420
Ketofen, G423
Ketoprofen, G423
Killed virus, A900
Kopertox, H442
Lameness, E460
Laminitis, E465
Lasix, H255
Lateral, E406
Legend, E406
Lice, E770
Ligament problems, E406
Locoism, E835
Lutalyse, H495
Luxations, E406
Lymphocytes, D127
Medial, E406
Melanomas, E770
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), E406,
Mineral oil, H512
Mites, E770
Modified live virus, A900
Moldy sweet clover, E835
Mud fever, E756
Muscles, A28
Nasal discharge, E542
Navicular disease, E544
Naxcel, F540
Neutrophils, D127
Nitrate poisoning, E835
Nolvasan cap-tabs, H562
Nolvasan solution (Chlorhexidine), H110
Normal ranges
Nutrition, A575
Oral paste administration, B610
Osteoarthritis, E406
Osteochondritis, E406
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), E406
Osteochondrosis, E406
Over-The-Counter (O-T-C), A645
Oxybendazole, C30
Oxytocin, H615
Packed cell volume (PCV), D127
Parasites, A620, A622
Parturition, A245
Paste administration, B610
Passive transfer, A245
Patella problems, E406
Pearson square, A575
Pedal osteitis, E406
Penicillin G Procaine, F625
PGF2a, H495
Phenylbutazone, G90
Photosensitization, E770, E835
Physical exam sheet, I 632
Picking up a front leg, B635
Picking up a hind leg, B636
Pinnacle I.N., C630
Platelets, D127
Pneumabort K + 1b, C640
Potassium, D80
Potomac Horse Fever, E640
PotomacGuard, C645
Power-Flex, H645
Prepurchase exam, A642, I 642
Prescription drugs, A645
Prostaglandin (Lutalyse), H495
Proximal, E406
Pruritus (itching), E770
Puncture wounds, E406
Pyrantel, C792, C794
Pyrethrin, C202
Quest, C695
Quickcheck, D695
Quittor, E406
Radiography, D702
Rain scald, E770
Ranitidine, H993
Re-Covr, G703
Red blood cells, D127
Regu-Mate, H703
Removing a shoe, B705
Reproduction, A710
Resistant, D135
Respiratory rates, A560
Restraint, B710
Retained placenta, A245
Rhinopneumonitis, E200
Ringbone, E406
Ringworm, E770
Rx Drugs, A645
Salmonella, E752
SandClear, H740
Sand colic, E120, H740
Sand cracks, E406
Sarcoids, E770
Scratches, E756
Selenium poisoning, E835
Sensitivity, D135
Serology, D135
Serum chemistry, D80
Sheared heels, E406
Sheath cleaning, B760
Shoeing, A325
Sidebone, E406
Skeleton, A28
Skin disease, E770
Skin tent, B115
Sodium, D80
Spavin test, E406
Splints, E406
Stall walking, E68
Steroids, Section G
Stethoscope, B890
Strangles, E790
Strepguard, C790
Streptococcus equi, E790
Strongid C, C792
Strongid paste, C794
Subchondral bone cysts, E406
Subcutaneous (SQ), A900, B360
Sucralfate, H792
Superficial digital flexor tendon, E406
Superficial distal sesamoidean
ligament, E406
Supplements, Section
H, E406
Tagamet, H800
Teeth, A148, B15
Tendon problems, E406
Tetanus, E805
Tetanus antitoxin, C810
Tetanus toxoid, C812
Thorough-pin, E406
Thrush, E406
Titers, D135
Toxic substances and plants, E835
Tribrissen 48% Injection, F840
Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine (TMS), F843
Trimming the foot, A325
Tripelennamine Hydrochloride (Re-Covr), G703
Twitches, B710
Tying-up, E847
Ulcers, E120
Ultrasound, D880
Umbilical cord care, A245
Urine, D110
Using hoof testers, B885
Using a stethoscope, B890
Vaccines (for specific vaccines see individual trade names)
Vaccination program, A905
Veda-Sorb boluses, H905
Ved-Hist, G903
Ventipulmin, G906
Vesicular Stomatitis (VS), E905
Veterinary/Client/Patient/Relationship, A645
Veterinary prescription drugs (Rx), A645
Veterinary Surfactant, H908
Virus isolation, D135
Vitamin B, H910
Vitamins and minerals, A575
Warts, E770
Weaning foals, A245
Weight estimates, B950
West Nile virus (WNV), E964
West Nile virus vaccine, E964
White line disease, E406
White muscle disease, E970
Windpuffs, E406
Wobbler syndrome, E406
Wound management, B980, E195
X-ray, D702
Zantac, H993